Fashion DIET: Something is floating, and something is piling up – garbage and garbage avoidance (DOCX)

Unterrichtsbaustein: Fashion DIET: Something is floating, and something is piling up – garbage and garbage avoidance (DOCX)
This unit’s focus is on strategies for waste avoidance. Sources of waste will be identified and possibilities for action in terms of the responsible use of raw materials and the environment. Thereby, it should be shown that this does not imply focusing on renunciation but on creativity and design possibilities instead. The unit has five modules: 1) Waste as a phenomenon, 2) Generation of plastic waste, 3) Microplastics, 4) Gift packaging and 5) Shopping without a bag.
Vervielfältigung und Verbreitung erlaubt. Namensnennung erforderlich. Keine Nutzung für kommerzielle Zwecke.
"Fashion DIET: Something is floating, and something is piling up – garbage and garbage avoidance (DOCX)" von Pädagogische Hochschule Freiburg, lizenziert unter CC BY-NC 4.0
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