Fashion DIET: How is the microplastic in the environment connected to my clothing? (PDF)

Unterrichtsbaustein: Fashion DIET: How is the microplastic in the environment connected to my clothing? (PDF)
The lesson deals with the following question: How is the microplastic in the environment connected to my clothing? Microplastics through textiles – Independent investigation of the entry pathways of microplastics from textiles and avoidance strategies. It contains five modules: Lesson modules: 1) Introduction to the topic of textile microplastics, 2) Textile production, 3) Textile care, 4) Textile disposal and 5) Avoidance strategies.
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"Fashion DIET: How is the microplastic in the environment connected to my clothing? (PDF)" von Pädagogische Hochschule Freiburg, lizenziert unter CC BY-NC 4.0
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