Fashion DIET: Recycling and Upcycling of Knitwear (PDF)

Considering the dimension and versatility of knitting as a second technique for the production of textiles, this module presents different solutions for the reuse, recycling or upcycling of knitwear. The first part of the material focuses on providing basic knowledge about knitting and the most popular knitting patterns and their trade names. Information about the main properties of knitted fabrics will also be given in order to become familiar with their behavior in the next stages of recycling or upcycling and with their possible new uses. The lesson has five modules: 1) Getting familiar with knitting technology, 2) Environmental impact of the fashion industry, 3) Recycling post-consumer knitting waste, 4) Recycling pre-consumer knitting waste and 5) Upcycling knitwear.
- Nutzungsrechte
- Herkunftsnachweis
- "Fashion DIET: Recycling and Upcycling of Knitwear (PDF)" von Pädagogische Hochschule Freiburg, lizenziert unter CC BY-NC 4.0
- Original-URL
Pädagogische Hochschule Freiburg
Prof. Dr. Mirela Blaga
Lernressource | Unterrichtsbaustein |
Lizenz | CC BY-NC 4.0 |
Beruf |
Sprache | Englisch |
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