Fashion DIET: Showing the flag, but how? – Craftivism (DOCX)

This unit’s focus is on the phenomenon of craftivism. The term is a neologism that combines aspects of craft with activism. Typically, politically relevant issues, such as anti-capitalism, environmentalism, solidarity, pacifism, and feminism, are taken up and made public. Usually, textile objects are designed and produced as they are visible, thus calling for joint action. Sometimes activists also distribute objects with messages that call for reflection and action in cloak-and-dagger operations. This includes, for example, knitted and crocheted graffiti, which enriches the streetscape. The unit has five modules: 1) Craftivism as a phenomenon, 2) Performative art projects, 3) Design and create embroidered protest patches, 4) Arpilleras – tradition and own production of textile picture stories and 5) T-shirts as a carrier of meaning.
- Nutzungsrechte
- Herkunftsnachweis
- "Fashion DIET: Showing the flag, but how? – Craftivism (DOCX)" von Pädagogische Hochschule Freiburg, lizenziert unter CC BY-NC 4.0
- Original-URL
Pädagogische Hochschule Freiburg
Dr. Dorit Köhler
Lernressource | Unterrichtsbaustein |
Lizenz | CC BY-NC 4.0 |
Beruf |
Sprache | Englisch |
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